Friday, 15 March 2013

Game on

I just rode 139.8 kilometers! Check it out on #strava:
Left Livingston around 730am after saying farewell to Oliver and Bobbie -So cool hanging out with you guys !!! Thanks for all the laughs!! Another beautiful day and sweet roads- Its amazing all the cyclists on the roads here in Zambia - they carry these massive loads and are great cyclist's  -everyone's very friendly here waving and saying hi or how are you? There was a massive songololo on the road so I took a video of it  -soo many legs ! Wow.Next stop was to by some delicious tomatoes  which oliver told me about -they were great! Cheers for the tip! Pulled into Zimba to grab sime hard boiled eggs and a red bull when this African lady leaned out the window and showed me the photo of me standing with her and her mate at the vic falls - classic!  Oliver mentioned a few things about Zambia that made me think if fact I finally clicked the other day when I realised that I had seen hardly any elderly people at all ! I was thinking of how young the population is the amount of young mothers with young children - The average life expectancy here is 38 years and the average wage is something like a dollar a day  there are a lot more staggering facts to do with aids and orphans too! The major item for sale on the side of the road today was charcoal  and piles of rocks and stones -makes you think! I had a couple of guys slip streaming me towards the end of the day also -one guy kept up with me so I gave him some oil for his chain then he was delivering a cabbage some phone air time and a couple of extra things -no peddles and semi flat  "tubeless" tyres  -These guys can really move on there bikes
My first sack of Charcoal I saw for sale a great way to recycle the Maize sack
Buying some fresh tomatoes for breakfast- Nicely presented too with happy people
Amazing coordination
Take your pick Rocks or stones?
No shortage of cyclists here all working hard !
Gave this guys bike some oil after he kept up with me for a while
Using branches to support the building while the concrete sets
Olly you Beast ! You are a great Person ! Thanks for the laughs!

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