Friday, 24 May 2013

Turkish rescue

Add Two dudes Working for the Kenyan Government I waved down , They helped me find  the Turkish people building part of the road.
If you look carefully you can see the break in the frame where it attaches to the wheel.
This road was next to the main rough road , the buses were using it so i thought I would give it a try , the roads change in condition all the way along so you can only try - ha ha!
Ouzi the Turkish road Contractor - These guys were so cool made me feel very welcome - Skilled and yummy food  ! Tesha cure Adarim !!
Now check this guy out !! Here we are on one of the roughest roads  in Kenya out there in the desert and this guy rocks up looking like hes just cycled down to the market when infact I think he had cycled most of the way from Germany , I think he had his bike stolen in Iran or something but check out his rig !! What a cool dude ! Out there doing it ! Just goes to show where there is a will there is a way !!
Trying to capture the roughness of the road  , try rolling a wheel over that all day
First thing in the morning this Samburu chick who had no top on herding her goats down the road - Well good Morning to you too!
Getting my frame welded up and strengthened with a bit of extra steel - This guy did a very tidy job ! Ask and you shall receive ! Thankyou Yahweh!

Intrepid A2

Bump and Grind all the way to Moyale by globalcheyne
A BIG Thanks to Tim and Matt for your comments !! Awesome comments Thankyou!! Also BIG Thanks to Mum and Dad for your constant support!! It Sure makes a difference !! And Thankyou Anna also for all of your comments! You are a real Soldier!!
Getting shown the way to the hotel by one of the blackmarket money changers who later came back the next day to be my alarm clock  - Love it !
Human Being Being Human - Love these People!
The best hotel in town!
Earth colours.

Marsabit to Turbi done and Dusted!

This section of the road was sealed - Absolute bliss !
Great fun you never know whats next
Surprize surprize a shop in the middle of the desert ! Canned tuna and gingerbeer  at reasonable prices ! These people were not capatilists just resilient people trying to make a living
I came from behind these people and they got a bit of a fright , gentle genuine and friendly people on their way ,so lucky to travel on a road not many travel and meet these beautiful people, it is what it is
Easy!Took my helmet camera off  to get a road view
Coming into Turbi at then end of the day - One of those faraway places ! Mud and straw round houses and twigs cloth and PVC  Honestly so cool!
Interesting to one another ! Woman on their way
Just me this man and his camels and kid - Food and clothing  - What else do you need ?
Turbi from my helmet mounted Gopro
this is what it looks like on the road to Moyale - Just in case you wondered
Arriving in Turbi - Landcrusier country nothing less
Ready for the blacktop , but they put rocks on to keep traffic off  - a nice little game of dodgems