Tuesday, 26 February 2013


I just rode 22.1 kilometers! Check it out on #strava: http://app.strava.com/activities/42342217 .300 Rand to get a visa and quite a bit of interest in my bike from people going through customs , didnt get much sleep last night so crossed the border and bought a micro sim in Zim then two milkshakes and found a place to stay with aircon then crashed out. Had to upload files from Garmin device using motels computer because I forgot to put micro sd card back into the cycle computer so the Garmin saved the ride to its internal memory  - All good ready for Zim -Ive only been here for a little bit but have to say the people seem at peace and friendly -So cool!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, glad you made it across. Maybe you could post your new cell number? My internet connection is so bad here but I will comment more tomorrow. xxx
